Your readers want value, not fluff. Our Industry Niche Writing Samples show why hiring a professional writer with subject matter expertise creates content that connects with your audience. Below is a sample short-form video content script for a personal injury law practice to publish on social media.

Video Title: "3 Things You Should Never Say To An Insurance Adjuster"
Video Run Time: 1 minute
Number of Clips: 16
Attorney Interview Clips: 5
B-Roll/Stock: 11
Segment | Narration | Visuals |
Opening Hook | “Have you been in a car accident?” Here are three things you should never say to the insurance adjuster!” |
Quick Edit | ||
Scene 1 | “One: It was my fault.” |
Montage 1 | “Even if it feels like your fault, don’t admit it right away! You might be missing key details, like another driver’s mistake or road hazards. Let the facts and evidence do the talking, or you could hurt your case.” |
Scene 2 | “Two: I’m okay” |
Montage 2 | “Just because you feel fine doesn’t mean you are. Injuries like whiplash or internal trauma can take days to show up. If you say I’m okay now, insurance companies can deny your claim later.” |
Scene 3 | “Three: I’d like to settle quickly.” |
“Insurance companies love when you want to settle quickly Because they can lowball your offer. It may take time but never settle for less than what your claim is worth.” |
| |
Closing CTA | What you say to the insurance adjuster matters. Don’t risk saying the wrong thing. When you work with me, I’ll handle all communication with the insurance company. |
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